The energy of a spin configuration S = {S_i} is given by H(S) = -J \sum_ij S_i S_j
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm first chooses 'selection probabilities' g(u,v), the probability that state v is selected by the algorithm out of all states, given that one is in state u. g(u,v) must be selected such that ergodicity is met. Then the algorithm uses 'acceptance probabilities' A(u,v) so that detailed balance is satisfied. In thermal equilibrium a system's energy only fluctuates within a small range. This is the motivation behind the concept of 'single-spin-flip dynamics', which states that in each transition, we will only change one of the spin sites on the lattice.
Specification g(u,v) = 1 / (the number of sites on the lattice), [assumption] g(u,v) = g(v,u), P(u,v) = g(u,v) A(u,v), Warning P(u,v) != P(v,u). Detailed balance tells us that the following equation must hold: P(u) P(u,v) = P(v) P(v,u). P(u,v) / P(v,u) = P(v) / P(u) = exp(-β (H(v)-H(u))) [Z is cancelled], P(u,v) / P(v,u) = A(u,v) / A(v,u). We want to select A(), the larger A(u,v) or A(v,u) will be 1. A(u,v) = [ exp(-β (H(v)-H(u))), if H(v)-H(u) > 0, [ 1 otherwise.
The basic form of the Metropolis algorithm is as follows: (1) Pick a spin site using selection probability g(u,v) and calculate the contribution to the energy involving this spin. (2) Flip the value of the spin and calculate the new contribution. (3) If the new energy is less, keep the flipped value. (4) If the new energy is more, only keep with probability exp(-β (H(v)-H(u))). (5) Repeat.
Spin lattice L = np.ones((x, y), dtype=np.int64) # ordered system, energy = -2*L.size L = np.empty((x, y), dtype=np.int64) # uninitialized spins L.shape # return (x, y) L.size # the number of sites on the lattice (x*y) L.sum() # total magnetization If spin = L[i,j], then (periodic boundary conditions) neighbors = ( L[(i+1) % x, j] + L[(i+x-1) % x, j] + L[i, (j+1) % y] + L[i, (j+y-1) % y] ) After flip [prob > random.random()] L[i, j] = -spin # the 'spin' variable keeps the old value energy += 2 * spin * neighbors magnet -= 2 * spin
Running simulations in the background. 'nohup' is a POSIX command to ignore the HUP (hangup) signal. $ nohup ./ > output.txt & Using stdin and stdout. $ nohup ./ < input.txt > output.txt & Show output appended data as the file grows. $ tail -f output.txt
# Keeping the configuration in a JSON file. # # Content of the file ''. # { # "warmup": 10, # "iterations": 100, # "temperatures": [4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.5] # } import json with open("config3.json") as infile: configuration = json.load(infile)