The simplest control flow: a sequential execution of statements.
statement1 statement2 statement3 ...
A Python program is divided into a number of logical lines. A Python program is read by a parser. Input to the parser is a stream of tokens, generated by the lexical analyzer.
Python 3 source code | | (Unicode code points) o Lexical analyzer | | (a stream of tokens) o Parser [SyntaxError possible] | | o Compiler [differences for CPython, IronPython, Jython, ...] | | (bytecode) [.pyc files for modules] o Python Virtual Machine (interpreter) [CPython VM, .Net runtime (CLR), Java VM] | | (machine code) o Executing on CPU [runtime exceptions possible]
A simple statement is comprised within a single logical line. Several simple statements may occur on a single line separated by semicolons.
Examples: expression, assignment, assert, pass, del, return, yield, raise, break, continue, import, global, nonlocal.
Compound statements contain other statements. In general, compound statements span multiple lines, although in simple incarnations a whole compound statement may be contained in one line.
Examples: if, while, for, try, with, def, class.