Send your homework as a single ZIP archive with your files, or send a link to your GitHub repo. Try to keep line lengths below 80 characters.
Create a long positive integer. Find the number of zeros. Hint: change the number to a string.
# Explain the results. x = 5 x == 5 and 3 + 8 # 11 x == 4 and 3 + 8 # False 3 + 8 and x == 5 # True 3 + 8 and x == 4 # False isinstance(True, int) # True isinstance(True, bool) # True
Find the sum 1*1 + 3*3 + 5*5 + ... + 2021*2021 [hint: use sum() and range()].
(a) Find Unicode code points (int) for all characters of your name. Example: "Andrzej" --> [65, 110, 100, 114, 122, 101, 106]
(b) Prepare the periodic table (ten elements) as a list pt = [(1,"Hydrogen","H",1), (2,"Helium","He",4), ...]. Use pt to print a table (3 right + 20 left + 6 center + 10 right) +---+--------------------+------+----------+ |No.|Name (en) |Symbol|Weight (u)| +---+--------------------+------+----------+ | 1|Hydrogen | H | 1| | 2|Helium | He | 4| | | ... | | | +---+--------------------+------+----------+ Hint: use the for loop: for (n, name, symbol, weight) in pt: # use variables (n, name, symbol, weight) to create a proper line
Let S be a long string (many lines).
Find the number of black characters in S [not whitespace, see the method S.isspace()].
Find the number of words in S (a word is a sequence of black characters).
Find the longest word in S.
Sort words from S according to (1) the lexicographic order, (2) the length.
# Find and explain the results. t = (2, 4) print(t[2]) t.append(6) a, b = t ; print(a, b)
Create a dict for conversion of roman numerals/strings (I, IV, V, IX, X, XL, L, XC, C, CD, D, CM, M) to arabic numbers. Use different methods.