


A mapping object maps 'hashable' values to arbitrary objects. Mappings are mutable objects. There is currently only one standard mapping type, the 'dictionary'.

Dictionary order is guaranteed to be insertion order (Py3.7+).

| Operation                  | Meaning                   |
| D = {} ; D = dict()        | empty dict                |
| D = {1: "a", 5: "e"}       | creation (two pairs)      |
| D = dict(iterable)         | creation from iterable    |
| {x:x**2 for x in iterable} | dict comprehension        |
| len(D)                     | length (number of pairs)  |
| D[key] = value             | add/update (key, value)   |
| D[key]                     | get value at key          |
| D2 = dict(D1)              | shallow copy              |
| D2 = D1.copy()             | shallow copy              |
| D2 = {**D1}                | copy (Py3)                |
| key in D                   | containing O(1)           |
| key not in D               | containing O(1)           |
| D.has_key(key)             | containing (Py2)          |
| for key in D: pass         | iteration                 |
| max(D), min(D)             | the largest|smallest key  |
| del D[key]                 | remove (key, value)       |
| D.clear()                  | remove all pairs          |
| del D                      | remove the name D         |


# Creation

D = {}
D[k1] = v1 ; D[k2] = v2 ; D[k3] = v3

D = {k1: v1, k2: v2, k3: v3}
D = {k1: v1, k2: v2, k3: v3, }   # last comma is ignored

D = dict(pair_list)
D = dict([(k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3)])

D = dict(zip(key_list, value_list))
D = dict(zip([k1, k2, k3], [v1, v2, v3]))

D.keys()         # [k1, k2, k3] Py2
D.values()       # [v1, v2, v3] Py2
D.items()        # [(k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3)] Py2

D.keys()         # return a view of keys, Py3
D.values()       # return a view of values, Py3
D.items()        # return a view of items, (key, value) pairs, Py3

list(D)   # [k1, k2, k3]
# iter(D) is a shortcut for iter(D.keys()).
# reversed(D) is a shortcut for reversed(D.keys()).

D = dict(name1=v1, name2=v2)   # {'name1':v1, 'name2':v2}

D.get(key)                    # return D[key] or None
D.get(key, value)             # return D[key] or value
D.setdefault(key, value)
# if key in D then return D[key],
# if key not in D then set D[key] = value and return value

D.pop(key)                    # return D[key] and remove
D.pop(key, value)             # return D[key] (or value) and remove
D.popitem()                   # return 2-tuple (key, value)

D = dict.fromkeys(S[, value])    # S is a sequence, value is None by default
D = dict.fromkeys(range(4), 0)   # {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
D = dict.fromkeys("abc", 1)   # {'a': 1, 'c': 1, 'b': 1}

D.update(E)   # E is a dict, for k in E: D[k] = E[k]
D.update(**E)   # E is a dict, the same
D.update(F)   # F=[("x",10),("y",20)], for (k,v) in F: D[k] = v
D.update(name1=value1, name2=value2)
# the same as D.update({'name1': value1, 'name2': value2})


D = {x: x**2 for x in range(9)}        # Py3 and Py2.7
D = dict((x, x**2) for x in range(9))    # generator

D = {x: x*3 for x in "qwerty"}          # Py3 and Py2.7
D = dict((x, x*3) for x in "qwerty")    # generator