Scientific Computing with Python
Obliczenia naukowe w języku Python
Please label the titles of emails from the course by [SciCompPy]:
[SciCompPy] Homework 1
It will help me to sort messages.
Please send emails (with the link to your repository) every week,
after completion of your homework, before next classes.
- Python Website,
The Python Standard Library, The Python Language Reference.
- Mark Lutz, Learning Python, 5th Edition.
Mark Lutz, Python. Wprowadzenie. Wydanie V. Helion 2020.
- Hans Petter Langtangen, Python Scripting for Computational Science.
- Micha Gorelick, Ian Ozsvald, High Performace Python:
Practical Performant Programming for Humans.
Micha Gorelick, Ian Ozsvald, Python. Programuj szybko i wydajnie,
Helion 2015.
- Robert Johansson, Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data
Science Applications with NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib, Apress 2019.
Robert Johansson, Matematyczny Python. Obliczenia naukowe i analiza danych
z użyciem NumPy, SciPy i Matplotlib, Helion 2021.
- Mark Lutz, Programming Python, 3rd Edition, O'Reilly 2006.